Muslim Association for Development in Religious Academia and Scholastic Achievement
Join us to explore the remarkable legacies of influential Muslim women throughout Islamic history, from early business pioneers to renowned scholars. Discover how these female leaders balanced spiritual and worldly responsibilities, gaining practical lessons for navigating relationships and responsibilities in modern life.
Instructor: Ustadha Sophia Khan
Date: November 27th, 2025
Location: Purnell Hall 116
Join us as we read and discuss selections from Imam Ghazali’s Ihya pertaining to the spiritual side of fasting. With Ramadan less than a month away — let’s learn what the non-physical purpose of fasting is meant to be!
Instructors: Sheikh Abdelhadi Shehata & Sheikh Arqum Rashid
Date: February 13, 2025
Location: Purnell Hall 116
The origin of man: exploring evolution and the creation of adam
Join us for a discussion that examines the creation of Adam (AS) and the theory of evolution through an Islamic lens. Offering a deeper understanding of human origins within the framework of faith.
Instructor: Sheikh Tahseen Khan
Date: November 7th, 2024
Location: Purnell Hall 116
Directions in the midst of distractions - key lessons from surah kahf for overcoming the distractions of dajjal
The years leading up to the emergence of the Dajjal will be filled with distractions and deception. Join us as we discuss key lessons from Surah Kahf on how we can preserve and protect our Iman.
Instructor: Imam Morshad Saami Khan
Date: October 24th, 2024
Where: Purnell Hall 116
ALAM AL GHAIB: Exploring the Realm of Angels and Jinn
Join us for a discussion on the Alam Al-Ghaib (the world of the unseen). Discover the roles and realities of the angels and jinn, alongside their interaction with human beings.
Instructor: Mufti Wasim Khan
Date: October 10th, 2024
Location: Purnell Hall 116
protecting YOUR Muslim identity
Join us for a discussion on practical strategies for Muslims in America to strengthen their iman and stay firm in their faith, while navigating a society that often promotes conflicting values.
Instructor: Sheikh Tahir Wyatt
Date: September 19th, 2024
Location: Purnell Hall 116
navigating the dunya: four core anchors
Join us in a reflective session on anchoring ourselves as we ride the waves of life. Anchoring oneself has become so much more important for our growth and survival in a time where things appear to be falling apart.
Instructor: Sheikh Yusuf Rios
Date: September 5th, 2024
Location: Purnell Hall 116
darkness before dawn
Join us as we discuss historical examples where adversity turned into triumph and reflect on how these lessons can translate into our own lives.
Instructor: Sheikh Abdelrahman Badawy
Date: May 2nd, 2024
Location: Memorial Hall 127
Liberalism & postmordernism
“Just be you" and "live your truth!” are some of the most common phrases we hear today. When we are constantly told that everyone has their own path to truth, is there any universal message that can speak to all of humanity?
Join us for a talk in which we’ll explore the history of postmodern philosophy and how Islam has boldly challenged its principles and impact.
Instructor: Dr. Tesneem Alkiek
Date: April 18th, 2024
Location: Memorial Hall 127
dawah in Difficult Times
Exploring Islams spread amid adversity
Instructor: Sheikh Chad Earl
Date: March 21st, 2024
Location: Perkins West Lounge
islamic financial structures
Join us for a fireside chat style chat where we will discuss major features of Islamic finance.
This includes topics such as unjust enrichment, unfair exploitation, speculation, uncertainty (gharrar), and various Islamic financing structures.
Instructor: Fred Phillips, Esq
Date: February 29th, 2024
Location: Memorial Hall 127
Beyond Bilal: black history in Islam
Explore the relationship between Islam and Black History, from prominent figures in the Qur'an, history of Islam in Africa, & the legacy of contemporary African Islamic scholarship & its role in the International Relations of the Muslim World.
Instructor: Ustadh Mustafa Briggs
Date: February 15th, 2024
Location: Memorial Hall 127
The Journey: A Map of Islam
In Partnership with the University of Delaware MADRASA & Young Adults ISD
A discussion on the essential points of inquiry in Islam and the framework by which we understand our worldview and how it operates.
Instructor: Imam Ahmad Deeb
Date: November 29th, 2023
Cost: Free
The Journey: Developing a Positive Muslim Identity
In Partnership with the University of Delaware MADRASA & Young Adults ISD
The Islamic framework of how to develop a positive Muslim identity that encourages and motivates a person to pursue excellence in all areas of life.
Instructor: Imam Morshad Hossain
Date: November 15th, 2023
Cost: Free
The Journey: the quest of knowledge
In Partnership with the University of Delaware MADRASA & Young Adults ISD
A discussion around contemporaneously grounding oneself in Islamic knowledge alongside secular pursuits.
Instructor: Sheikh Chad Earl
Date: November 1st, 2023
Cost: Free